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➨ Micro Organisms - Microbiology Section 1

1. The phospholipids present in cytoplasm membrane of the archaeo-bacteria is
C.polyisoprenoid branched chain lipids ✔
D.none of the above
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Answer:Option C
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2. The oldest eukaryotic organisms are considered to be
A.diplomonads like Giardia
B.archaea ✔
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Answer:Option B
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3. The phospholipids present in cytoplasm membrane of eubacteria is mainly
A.phosphoglycerides ✔
D.none of these
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Answer:Option A
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4. Which were the investigators lived at the same time?
A.Darwin and Woese
B.Koch and Pasteur ✔
C.Van Leeuenhoek and Ricketts
D.Berg and Hooke
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Answer:Option B
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5. The unifying feature of the archaea that distinguishes them from the bacteria is
A.habitats which are extreme environments with regard to acidity
B.absence of a nuclear membrane temperature ✔
C.presence of a cell wall containing a characteristic outer membrane
D.cytoplasmic ribosomes that are 70S
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Answer:Option B
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6. Mycoplasmas are different from the other prokaryotes by
A.presence of chitin in cell walls
B.presence of murrain in cell walls
C.absence of cell wall itself ✔
D.presence of proteins in cell walls
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Answer:Option C
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7. Evolutionary relationships between groups of organisms are determined using which of the following type of information?
A.Comparisons of nucleotide sequences
B.Comparisons of biochemical pathways
C.Comparisons of structural features
D.All of the above ✔
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Answer:Option D
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8. Which of the following is not true for eukaryotic cells?
A.Nucleus is bounded by nuclear membrane
B.Chromosomes contain histones
C.Chloroplasts and mitochondria contains 70S ribosomes
D.Gas vacuoles are present ✔
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Answer:Option D
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9. Which of the following is not true for prokaryotic organism?
A.Nucleus is not bounded by nuclear membrane
B.Chromosomes does not contain histones
C.80S ribosomes are distributed in cytoplasm ✔
D.Cell wall contains peptidoglycan as one of the major component
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Answer:Option C
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10. Gram staining was introduced by
A.Christian gram ✔
B.Alfred Gram
D.Louis Pasteur
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Answer:Option A
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11. Which of the following is considered the most unifying concept in biology?
B.Evolution ✔
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Answer:Option B
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12. Various bacterial species can be subdivided into
D.all of these ✔
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Answer:Option D
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13. Living organisms have many complex characteristics. Which one of the following is shared by non-living matter as well?
D.Molecules ✔
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Answer:Option D
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14. A newly discovered microscopic structure is hypothesized to be a living organism. Which of the following lines of evidence would support the contention that this organism may be alive?
A.It contains DNA
B.It is made of a single cell
C.It utilizes energy ✔
D.All of these
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Answer:Option C
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15. Mycoplasmas, rickettsiae, and chlamydiae are
A.types of fungi
B.small bacteria ✔
C.species of protozoa
D.forms of viruses
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Answer:Option B
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16. Which of the following structure is absent in eukaryotic cells?
C.Golgi structure
D.Mesosome ✔
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Answer:Option D
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17. Who was the inventor of the Petri dish?
A.R.J. Petri, an assistant of R. Koch ✔
B.A famous French cook
C.Italian glass blower from Petri, Italy
D.None of the above
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Answer:Option A
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18. Which one is not studied in microbiology?
B.Animal behaviour ✔
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Answer:Option B
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19. A characteristic of protein synthesis in both the archaea and eukarya is
A.transcription and translation are coupled
B.translation is inhibited by diphtheria toxin
C.proteins are synthesized from D-, rather than L-, isomers of amino acids ✔
D.the initiator tRNA is charged with N-formyl-methionine
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Answer:Option C
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20. Cell theory includes all of the following except
A.all organisms are composed of one or more cells
B.the cell is the most primitive form of life ✔
C.the cell is the structural unit of life
D.cells arise by division of preexisting cells
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Answer:Option B
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21. The five-kingdom system of classification was set up by
A.Louis Pasteur
B.Robert Whittaker ✔
C.Robert Koch
D.Masaki Ogata
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Answer:Option B
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22. The membranes of which domains are chemically the most similar?
A.Archaea and Bacteria
B.Bacteria and Eukarya ✔
C.Eukarya and Archaea
D.membranes of all three domains are chemically identical
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Answer:Option B
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23. Primary differences between cilia and flagella are
A.arrangement of microtubules
B.length and location of basal bodies the microtubules are fused to each other
D.number, length and direction of force ✔
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Answer:Option D
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24. All membranes of free-living organisms have phospholipid bilayers, but exception is
C.archaea ✔
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Answer:Option C
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25. All of the following are features of prokaryotes except
A.nitrogen fixation
C.sexual reproduction ✔
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Answer:Option C
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