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➨ Operating System

1. Round robin scheduling is essentially the preemptive version of ________ ?
B. Shortest job first
C. Shortest remaining
D. Longest time first
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Answer:Option A
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2. A page fault occurs ?
A. when the page is not in the memory✔
B. when the page is in the memory
C. when the process enters the blocked state
D. when the process is in the ready state
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Answer:Option A
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3. Which of the following will determine your choice of systems software for your computer?
A. Is the applications software you want to use compatible with it ?
B. Is it expensive ?
C. Is it compatible with your hardware ?
D. Both 1 and 3 ✔
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Answer:Option D
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4. What is a shell ?
A. is a hardware component
B. It is a command interpreter✔
C. It is a part in compiler
D. It is a tool in CPU scheduling
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Answer:Option B
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5. Routine is not loaded until it is called. All routines are kept on disk in a relocatable load format. The main program is loaded into memory & is executed. This type of loading is called... ?
A. Static loading
B. Dynamic loading
C. Dynamic linking ✔
D. Overlays
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Answer:Option C
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6. In the blocked state ?
A. the processes waiting for I/O are found✔
B. the process which is running is found
C. the processes waiting for the processor are found
D. none of the above
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Answer:Option A
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7. What is the memory from 1K - 640K called ?
A. Extended Memory
B. Normal Memory
C. Low Memory
D. Conventional Memory✔
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Answer:Option D
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8. Virtual memory is ..... ?
A. An extremely large main memory
B. An extremely large secondary memory
C. An illusion of extremely large main memory✔
D. A type of memory used in super computers
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Answer:Option C
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9. Which is not the state of the process ?
A. Blocked
B. Running
C. Ready
D. Privileged✔
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Answer:Option D
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10. The number of processes completed per unit time is known as.... ?
A. Output
B. Throughput ✔
C. Efficiency
D. Capacity
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Answer:Option B
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11. What is Page stealing ?
A. It takes page frames from other working sets✔
B. To increase the capacity of main memory
C. To speed up main memory read operation
D. None of above
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Answer:Option A
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12. What is convoy effect ?
A. All process waiting for the long process to complete✔
B. All process waiting for the small process to complete
C. Process in not present in main memory
D. None of above
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Answer:Option A
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13. Aging is a technique ?
A. Used to increase the priority of processed that are waiting for long times✔
B. Used to decrease the priority that are waiting for long time
C. Used to increase the priority of processed that are currently running
D. Used to decrease the priority processes that are currently running
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Answer:Option A
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14. Which of the following algorithm suffers from the Belady's anomly ?
C. Optimal Algorithm
D. None of above
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Answer:Option A
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15. Concurrent process are ?
A. Processes that do not overlap in time
B. Process that overlap in time✔
C. Processes that are executed by the processor at the same time
D. None of above
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Answer:Option B
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16. Which of the following disk scheduling strategies is likely to give the best throughput ?
A. Farthest cylinder next✔
B. Nearest Cylinder next
D. Elevator algorithm
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Answer:Option A
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17. Size of the virtual memory depends upon ?
A. Data Bus
B. Address Bus
C. Size of main memory
D. Memory buffer register
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Answer:Option h
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18. Race around condition occurs when ?
A. Two processed unknowingly wait for resources that are help by each other
B. Two process wait for same resources✔
C. All resources are shared
D. Two processes share the same shared resource
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Answer:Option B
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19. The part of machine level instruction, which tells the central processor what has to be done, is
A. Operation code✔
B. address
C. Locator
D. Flip flop
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Answer:Option A
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20. Correcting errors in a program is referred to as
A. Debugging✔
B. bugging
C. Rectifying
D. modifying
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Answer:Option A
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21. An assembler is used to translate a program written in
A. A Low Language
B. A high Language
C. Middle Language
D. Assembly Language✔
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Answer:Option D
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22. Round robin scheduling is essentially the preemptive version of ________.
B. Shortest job first
C. Shortes remaining
D. Longest time first
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Answer:Option A
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23. Virtual memory is __________.
A. An extremely large main memory
B. An extremely large secondary memory
C. An illusion of extremely large main memory ✔
D. A type of memory used in super computers.
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Answer:Option C
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24. Which is not the state of the process ?
A. Privileged ✔
B. Ready
C. Running
D. Blocked
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Answer:Option A
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25. The number of processes completed per unit time is known as __________.
A. output
B. throughput✔
C. Efficiency
D. Capacity
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Answer:Option B
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26. The mechanism that bring a page into memory only when it is needed is called _____________
A. Sagmentation
B. Fragmentation
C. Demand Paging✔
D. Page and Replacement
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Answer:Option C
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27. PCB =
A. Program Control Block
B. Process Control Block✔
C. Process Communication Block
D. None
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Answer:Option B
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28. FIFO scheduling is ________.
A. Non Preemptive Scheduling ✔
B. Deadline Scheduling
C. Preemptive Scheduling
D. Fair share scheduling
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Answer:Option A
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29. Which directory implementation is used in most Operating System?
A. Single level directory structure
B. Two level directory structure
C. Tree directory structure ✔
D. Acyclic directory structure
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Answer:Option C
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30. The Banker¿s algorithm is used
A. to prevent deadlock in operating systems ✔
B. to detect deadlock in operating systems
C. to rectify a deadlocked state
D. None
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Answer:Option A
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